Emma W. Johnson Scholarship est 2004

Emma W. Johnson, having 36 years of teaching, dedicated much of her Christian life to, and was an advocate for Education. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from South Carolina State College, Orangeburg, SC. Mrs. Johnson, affectionately known as ” Momma J”, also received a Master’s Degree in Education from The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina. She taught English at C.A. Brown High School for twenty-eight years, and eight years at Burke High School. She was also a member of the National Teacher’s Association. Because of her love, commitment, and passion for Education, she tutored children on her own time, and was also a Women’s Bible Study Teacher. We are honored to announce and embrace the Emma W. Johnson Education Scholarship Program. This Program has been established to promote opportunities for students looking to further their education. The Emma W. Johnson Scholarship will be offered to rising high school seniors who are in good standing and have a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative overall grade point average at his/her high school. Scholarship recipients will be made without regard to race, age, gender, religion, political beliefs, employment status, or any other factor, which could constitute unfair or illegal discrimination.
*The PBC scholarships will be open September 15 – October 16, 2023
to Seniors in High School Class of 2024*